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Trustee tea

The Roundtables were facilitated to allow for networking, exchange of practice experience and per-to-peer learning opportunities.

Funded and Supported by USAID

Sessions held: 2 sessions

Duration: 239 minutes

Total no. participated: 30 participants

Average no. per session: 15 participants

About the Dialogue

REIPPPP has led to over 100 new community trusts being established. Trusts are not currently well networked, leaving challenges and good practices often unknown to their wider sector. To address this, INSPIRE NPC started building relationships amongst trustees as a foundation for collaboration.

The Roundtables were facilitated to allow for networking, exchange of practice experience and per-to-peer learning opportunities.

Disclaimer: This project is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of the Initiative for Social Performance in Renewable Energy (INSPIRE) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.