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Our 2023 Learning Event brought together a diverse and engaged group of attendees who contributed to enlightening discussions and unforgettable moments. This report captures perspectives on bold leadership for deepened community impact, community trusts and strategic investments, and leadership in wounded contexts.
Read about the Academic Networking Event held in July 2024, focused on socio-economic dynamics of utility-scale renewable energy within South Africa’s Just Energy Transition. The overarching theme of this gathering was one of transformative research, specifically the encouragement of researchers and practitioners to collaborate and spearhead new methods of socio-economical change.
The infographic provides harvesting insights from the Community Trusts Connect workshops held for our Trust Matters project. This visual journey captures the collective challenges, strategies, and steps forward as discussed by community trustees and other stakeholders in our recent workshops.
An overall infographic of discussions on the overall REIPPPP ecosystem that enables impact at community level in the Learning Event held in October 2023.
An infographic of a key note on bold leadership for a just energy transition by Shalanda Baker, Director, Office of Energy Justice, and Equity in the U.S. Department of Energy.
An overall infographic of the key notes and discussions that formed part of the Inspired leadership for community impact Learning Event held in October 2023.
INSPIRE’s leadership development for a people-centred just transition presentation in Solar Power Africa in CTICC, Cape Town.
Summary report of online dialogues held bringing together academic student and staff researchers working on economic development-related questions in REIPPPP.
Economic development in the REIPPPP presented at the Developing Developers virtual event
An overall summary of the presentations, discussions and engagements that formed part of the “Deepening REIPPPP’s Community Development Impact” Learning Event held in February 2020″.
Disclaimer: This project is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of the Initiative for Social Performance in Renewable Energy (INSPIRE) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.