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Our 2023 Learning Event brought together a diverse and engaged group of attendees who contributed to enlightening discussions and unforgettable moments. This report captures perspectives on bold leadership for deepened community impact, community trusts and strategic investments, and leadership in wounded contexts.
This report examines existing legislative frameworks for benefit sharing from six countries in Africa: Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. We analyse the key principles and lessons these legislative frameworks offer, which have the potential to contribute to an energy transition that is equitable, sustainable and just.
This report shares insights about our project journey focusing on capacitating Community Trusts in REIPPPP. You can read more about this project here.
Summary report of Online Dialogues held bringing together ED practitioners to collaborate and exchange learnings in the development phase of the mandated ED plan.
Concise overview report of key themes and recommendations relevant to monitoring and evaluation of community investments in REIPPPP.
Study the lessons learnt in the implementation of REIPPPP to generate new knowledge in support of the further deployment of sustainable wind energy schemes.
This practice note is one of six developed to capture the insights from the “Deepening REIPPPP’s Community Development Impact” Learning Event held in February 2020″. It captures insights relating specifically to the issue of community trusts.
This practice note is one of six developed to capture the insights from the “Deepening REIPPPP’s Community Development Impact” Learning Event held in February 2020″. It captures insights relating specifically to the importance of collaboration in the advancement of community development.
This practice note is one of six developed to capture the insights from the “Deepening REIPPPP’s Community Development Impact” Learning Event held in February 2020″. It captures insights relating specifically to the importance of planning, implementing, managing and measuring to drive and scale impact.
This practice note is one of six developed to capture the insights from the “Deepening REIPPPP’s Community Development Impact” Learning Event held in February 2020″. It captures insights relating specifically to the importance of community engagement.
Disclaimer: This project is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of the Initiative for Social Performance in Renewable Energy (INSPIRE) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.