Sessions held: 4 sessions
Duration: 868 minutes
Total no. participated: 73 participants
Average no. per session: 18 participants
About the Dialogue
REIPPPP’s economic development impact is vastly unknown and your role as an ED practitioner or interested stakeholder is critical in contributing to knowledge development in this area and learning from others what has worked for them. As an industry, we lack comparable data to be able to communicate the industry’s achievements. To address this, INSPIRE NPC opened a forum that allows for the conversation about how to enable collaboration to progress. We believe M&E is a tool to support and anchor the planning, implementation, and management (learning and improvement) of socioeconomic development impacts in REIPPPP, as well as add layer of accountability to both communities and shareholders.
These roundtables sought to understand the nature and extent of M&E practice in REIPPPP, practitioner experience, what has been useful and what hasn’t, and how this lines up with practitioners and stakeholders’ expectations of what M&E should be doing in the space which is whyINSPIRE NPC alongside various stakeholders identified opportunities for greater collaboration and capacity development and other needs to further enable the REIPPPP sector to measure its developmental impact.
Disclaimer: This project is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of the Initiative for Social Performance in Renewable Energy (INSPIRE) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.